The Ultimate Guide to Clear Braces: Everything You Need to Know

April 18, 2023

Clear Braces Roseville - Dunn Orthodontics

Are you tired of hiding your smile because of crooked or misaligned teeth? Clear braces may be the solution you’ve been searching for! But with so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why we’ve compiled the ultimate guide to clear braces – everything you need to know before deciding. We’ve covered you, from how they work and their benefits to different types and what to expect during treatment. So get ready to say goodbye to traditional metal braces and hello to a confident new smile!

What are Clear Braces?

If you’re considering clear braces, there are a few things you need to know. Clear braces are plastic or metal brackets that attach to your teeth and hold them in place while they heal. The shelves are removable, so you can eat and drink without fear of breaking them.

Clear braces come in two types: traditional braces and Invisalign. Traditional braces use metal wires and brackets to attach to your teeth. Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners on top of your teeth. You wear the aligners for about two months when they’re removed and the metal brackets are put in their place.

Both types of clear braces require regular visits to the dentist for adjustments, as well as cleanings. Clear braces can be expensive, but they’re generally worth it if you’re worried about having crooked teeth or needing dental surgery.

How do Clear Braces Work?

There are two types of clear braces: traditional clear braces and archwire clear braces. Traditional clear braces use metal brackets that are attached to the teeth. Archwire clear braces use wire mesh inserted into the stands and held in place with adhesive. Both types of clear braces require regular visits to the dentist to adjust them as necessary.

Traditional clear braces can be removed in one or two stages, while archwire clear braces can be removed in three steps. In stage one, the brackets are attached to the front teeth only. Next, the frames are attached to set two’s front and back teeth. Finally, in stage three, the shelves are removed entirely. Clear braces usually last between six and twelve months but may last up to eighteen months if appropriately treated.

How to Choose the Right Clear Braces for You

If you’re considering clear braces, there are a few things you need to know. First, clear braces come in two types: traditional braces and Invisalign. Which one is right for you depends on your teeth and your misalignment.

Traditional braces use metal brackets that cover your teeth and attach with screws. They’re usually worn for six months to two years. The Invisalign system uses clear plastic aligners inserted into the front of your teeth. You wear them for about three months, then they’re removed and replaced by regular braces.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing clear braces:

1. Type of Braces: Traditional braces may be a good option for mild misalignment. If your misalignment is more severe, or if you have any dental issue that would make wearing traditional braces difficult or dangerous, Invisalign may be better for you.

2. Duration of Treatment: Traditional braces require treatment every day for six months to two years, while Invisalign treatment can last anywhere from eight weeks to twelve months.

3. Maintenance Requirements: Clear braces require regular cleaning and maintenance like any other dental appliance.

Are Clear Braces Permanent?

If you are considering clear braces, here is everything you need to know. Clear braces are a newer type of braces that are made from a transparent material. This means that the braces can be seen through, which can be helpful if you want to wear them for an extended period. They also tend to be less expensive than traditional braces and can be worn in the open or closed position.

There are a few things to keep in mind when wearing clear braces. First, they should always be treated with care. Clear braces are sensitive to heat and cold, so they should never be left outside in direct sunlight or cold weather without protection. Second, ensure your teeth are properly cleaned before starting treatment with clear braces. If not, the brackets and wires may rub against your teeth and cause pain or other dental problems. Finally, you must visit your dentist regularly while wearing clear braces to check on their status and make necessary adjustments.


As you likely know, clear braces are a popular way to improve the appearance of your teeth. So whether you’re considering them for the first time or want to refresh your look, this guide has everything you need to understand about clear braces and how they work. From choosing the right type of braces to caring for them properly, read on for all the information you need to make an informed decision.