Interceptive Orthodontics: A Beginner’s Guide

April 24, 2023

Interceptive Orthodontics Roseville - Dunn Orthodontics

Are you curious about interceptive orthodontics and what it can do to improve your smile? You may have heard the term thrown around but aren’t quite sure what it means. Fear not! In this beginner’s guide to interceptive orthodontics, we’ll explain everything you need to know about this innovative approach to improving dental health and aesthetics. From how it works to its benefits for children and adults alike, let’s dive in together and discover the world of interceptive orthodontics.

What is Interceptive Orthodontics?

Interceptive orthodontics is a specific type of orthodontics that uses electronic technology to help correct teeth alignment. This approach is often less invasive than traditional orthodontic treatments and can treat a broader range of issues than conventional orthodontics.

One of the most common applications of interceptive orthodontics is treating overcrowding or underbites. Overcrowding can lead to crooked teeth and a decreased ability to chew correctly. Conversely, underbites are when teeth are positioned too close together in the jawbone, which can cause problems with speech and overall oral health.

With interceptive orthodontics, the dentist will use an electronic scanner to measure the distance between your teeth and then recommend an appropriate treatment plan. This plan may include using brackets or wires to adjust your teeth’s position, depending on the severity of your issue.

If you’re interested in learning more about interceptive orthodontics or are currently experiencing any dental problems that this type of treatment may improve, please contact our office for a consultation. We would be happy to discuss your specific situation and provide you with all the information you need to decide whether or not this type of Orthodontic care is correct for you.

How Does Interceptive Orthodontics Work?

Interceptive orthodontics is an orthodontic treatment that uses the patient’s teeth and jaws to realign their teeth. This method is often used for children with difficulty with traditional orthodontic treatment methods, such as braces.

The doctor will use special instruments to detect problems with your teeth and jaw. They will then make minor adjustments to these problems, which will help you correct them over time. Interceptive Orthodontics is often less invasive than traditional braces and can be completed quickly.

Types of Interceptive Orthodontic Devices

There are a few types of interceptive orthodontic devices that are used in the treatment of teeth alignment issues. These include brackets, wires, and spring-loaded braces. Brackets are the most common interventional orthodontic device, generally metal or plastic. Wires are thinner than brackets and are inserted into the buccal cavity (the space inside your cheek) to move teeth back into their correct position. Finally, spring-loaded braces use a system of elastic bands to pull teeth into their proper places.

What Are the Benefits of Interceptive Orthodontics?

Interceptive orthodontics is a type of orthodontics that uses devices to diagnose and treat dental problems. This differs from traditional orthodontics, which uses braces and other techniques to straighten teeth. 

Some benefits of interceptive orthodontics include the following:

1. More Accurate Treatment: Interceptive Orthodontics is more accurate than traditional orthodontics because it uses devices to detect teeth movement. This allows for better treatment of dental problems, including overcrowding or misalignment of teeth.

2. Reduced Time and Costs: With interceptive orthodontics, there is less need for braces and other treatments. This means you will spend less time and money on your treatment plan.

3. Faster Treatment Progress: With interceptive orthodontics, you will see faster progress in your treatment plan than traditional orthodontic treatments. This is due to the accuracy of the devices used in interventional orthodontics.

4. Increased Dental Functionality: By correcting tooth movement, interventional orthodontics can help restore dental function. This can improve the appearance and health of your teeth overall.


Orthodontics can be an enriching career, but getting the right orthodontist for you is essential. This article covers some of the basics of interceptive orthodontics and how it works. We also offer a guide on finding the right orthodontist and some tips on preparing for your appointment. Finally, we provide some resources that may help you further explore this exciting field.