Dealing with Discomfort: Tips for Managing Pain and Irritation from Braces

October 19, 2023

Invisalign - Dunn Orthodontics

Braces are a popular and effective way to straighten teeth and achieve a healthier, more confident smile. However, anyone who has had braces knows that the journey to a straighter smile can sometimes come with its share of discomfort. Pain and irritation from braces are common, especially during the initial stages and after adjustments. The good news is that there are several strategies and tips to help you manage the discomfort and make your orthodontic journey more bearable. In this article, we’ll explore some valuable tips for dealing with pain and irritation caused by braces.

1. Orthodontic Wax is Your Friend

Orthodontic wax is a small but mighty tool for managing irritation caused by braces. When wires or brackets rub against the sensitive tissues of your mouth, applying a small amount of orthodontic wax creates a protective barrier, providing immediate relief.

2. Over-the-Counter Pain Relief

Over-the-counter pain relievers, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can help alleviate discomfort stemming from braces. Always follow the recommended dosage instructions and consult with your orthodontist if you have any concerns.

3. Saltwater Rinses

Rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater is a natural and effective way to soothe sores and irritation caused by braces. Mix about half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse several times a day to reduce discomfort.

4. Cold Compresses for Swelling

If you experience soreness in your mouth or jaw due to braces, a cold compress applied to the outside of your cheek can help reduce swelling and provide relief.

5. Stick to a Soft Diet

After getting braces or following an adjustment, sticking to a soft diet for a few days is a good idea. Opt for foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, soup, and smoothies while avoiding hard, crunchy, or chewy foods that can further irritate your mouth.

6. Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene

Excellent oral hygiene is crucial when you have braces. Ensure you brush and floss diligently, paying special attention to cleaning around the braces and between the wires. Your orthodontist can provide you with special brushes or floss threaders to help in this process.

7. Follow Your Orthodontist’s Instructions

Your orthodontist will provide specific guidelines and recommendations for managing the discomfort associated with braces. Follow their instructions carefully, as they are tailored to your unique orthodontic treatment plan.

8. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can help prevent dry mouth, which can exacerbate irritation. Proper hydration also supports overall oral health.

9. Orthodontic Silicone

Orthodontic silicone can be placed over brackets and wires to reduce friction and irritation, making it a helpful tool for managing discomfort.

10. Patience and Persistence

It’s important to remember that braces are an investment in your oral health, and some discomfort during the process is normal. This phase is temporary, and the end result—a beautifully aligned smile—is well worth it. By following these tips and communicating openly with your orthodontist, you can effectively manage and minimize discomfort while working toward your desired smile. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your orthodontist if you encounter persistent or severe discomfort. They are there to help you have a more comfortable and successful orthodontic journey.