Clear Braces and Oral Hygiene: Tips for Maintaining Dental Health with Aligners

June 20, 2023

Clear Braces Roseville

Clear braces, also known as aligners, are a popular orthodontic treatment option for individuals seeking a discreet way to straighten their teeth. Unlike traditional braces, clear braces are removable and offer greater flexibility. However, maintaining good oral hygiene while wearing clear braces is essential to ensure optimal dental health. This blog post will explore valuable tips and techniques to help you maintain excellent oral hygiene while undergoing clear braces treatment.

1. Brushing Techniques

Brushing your teeth is crucial for removing plaque and food particles that can accumulate around your clear braces. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to gently clean your teeth, including the surfaces of the clear braces. Start by brushing at a 45-degree angle in small circular motions, paying close attention to the areas where the aligners come into contact with your teeth. Be thorough and spend at least two minutes brushing your teeth twice a day.

2. Flossing Is Key

Flossing becomes even more important when wearing clear braces. It helps remove plaque and debris from areas that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush alone. Use a floss threader or orthodontic floss to navigate your clear braces’ wires and brackets. Take your time and carefully floss between each tooth, making sure to reach the gum line. Regular flossing will help prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

3. Rinse with Mouthwash

Using an antimicrobial mouthwash can provide additional protection against bacteria and plaque buildup. Rinse your mouth with a mouthwash recommended by your orthodontist after brushing and flossing. Swish the mouthwash around your mouth for the recommended time, making sure to reach all areas. Mouthwash can help freshen your breath and reduce the risk of gum disease.

4. Be Mindful of Food and Drink

While wearing clear braces, you must be mindful of the foods and drinks you consume. Avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods that damage or dislodge the aligners. These include popcorn, chewing gum, caramel, and hard candies. Additionally, minimize your consumption of sugary and acidic foods and beverages, as they can contribute to tooth decay and enamel erosion. Drink plenty of water to help wash away food particles and maintain saliva production, which helps protect your teeth.

5. Regular Dental Checkups

Regular dental checkups are crucial during clear braces treatment. Schedule appointments with your dentist every six months or as your orthodontist recommends. Your dentist will examine your teeth and gums, clean your teeth thoroughly, and assess your overall oral health. They can also guide on maintaining good oral hygiene while wearing clear braces and address any concerns or issues.

6. Follow the Orthodontist’s Instructions

Follow the instructions and guidelines provided by your orthodontist. They will provide specific instructions on how to care for clear braces, how long to wear them daily, and when to switch to a new set of aligners. It’s important to adhere to these instructions to ensure the effectiveness of your treatment and maintain proper dental health.

7. Stay Consistent

Consistency is key to maintaining good oral hygiene with clear braces. Make oral care a part of your daily routine and stick to it. Be diligent in brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash. By maintaining consistent oral hygiene habits, you can ensure the health and cleanliness of your teeth and gums throughout your clear braces treatment.


Clear braces provide an effective and discreet way to straighten your teeth, but it’s essential to prioritize oral hygiene while wearing them. You can maintain optimal dental health throughout your clear braces treatment by following proper brushing and flossing techniques, using mouthwash, being mindful of your diet, scheduling regular dental checkups, and following your orthodontist’s instructions. Remember, a healthy smile is a beautiful smile!