Don’t Let Age Be An Excuse: Why Orthodontic Treatment Matters For Adults Too

February 24, 2023

Adults Orthodontic Treatment

It’s always possible to achieve the smile of your dreams. Thanks to modern adults orthodontic treatment options, adults of all ages can now enjoy the benefits of a straighter, healthier smile.

Adults orthodontic treatment can do more than improve the appearance of your smile. It can also help to alleviate many common dental problems that are more likely to occur in adults, such as tooth wear, TMJ disorders, and gum disease.

Studies have shown that people with straight teeth are perceived as more attractive, successful, and intelligent. If you want to boost your self-confidence or make a good impression at work, Adults orthodontic treatment is right for you. In addition, orthodontic treatment can have a positive impact on your overall health and well-being.

If you’re considering adults orthodontic treatment, you must consult an experienced orthodontist who can assess your individual needs and develop a treatment plan that is right for you. Don’t let age be an excuse – start achieving the smile you’ve always wanted today!

Common Adult Orthodontic Treatment Available

While most people associate orthodontic treatment with teenage years, it’s becoming increasingly popular for adults to get braces or Invisalign. Several common treatments available can help correct a wide variety of dental issues, no matter how old you are.

One of the most common treatments is braces. Braces are metal, ceramic, or plastic brackets attached to your teeth and held by wires to move your teeth into the desired position gradually. They can correct crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, and other misalignment issues.

Invisalign is another popular treatment option, especially for adults who don’t want traditional metal braces. Invisalign uses clear, plastic aligners that are virtually invisible when worn. These aligners are custom-made for each patient and gently shift your teeth into place over time.

If you have milder alignment issues, you may be a candidate for clear aligners like Invisalign Lite or Invisalign i7. These plans use fewer aligners than full Invisalign treatment and can be completed in a shorter timeframe (usually around 6-9 months).

If you have severe misalignment issues or an overbite or underbite, you may need to wear headgear in addition to braces or Invisalign. Headgear consists of a metal frame that attaches to your braces or aligners and goes around your head or

How Age Factors Into Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Age is often a factor when it comes to orthodontic treatment. In most cases, the earlier you start treatment, the better. This is because your teeth and jaws are still growing and developing, which makes them more responsive to treatment. However, this doesn’t mean that adults can’t benefit from adults orthodontic treatment. Many adults choose to get braces or other types of orthodontic devices to correct alignment issues.

There are several reasons why age shouldn’t be a factor in getting orthodontic treatment. First, there is always time to improve your smile. No matter how old you are, you deserve to feel confident in your appearance. Second, orthodontic treatment can improve your oral health. Crooked teeth are more difficult to clean properly, leading to tooth decay and gum disease. By straightening your teeth, you’ll be able to brush and floss more effectively, keeping your mouth healthy.

Finally, orthodontic treatment can make everyday activities easier. You may avoid smiling or speaking to hide your flaws if you have crooked teeth. But once you receive treatment and your teeth are straightened, you’ll be able to participate confidently in life. Whether you want to get braces as an adult or you’re considering orthodontic treatment for your child, don’t let age stand in.

Benefits of Orthodontics For Adults

As an adult, you may feel it’s too late to get braces or miss your chance. But orthodontic treatment can be beneficial at any age. Here are some reasons why orthodontics matter for adults:

  1. Improved oral health – Orthodontic treatment can help correct alignment issues and improve the overall health of your mouth.
  2. Enhanced self-esteem – A straighter, a more aligned smile can give you a boost of confidence.
  3. Better function – Properly aligned teeth can help you bite and chew food more effectively.
  4. Fewer headaches – Misaligned teeth can cause tension headaches. Correcting the alignment can provide relief.
  5. Reduced wear and tear – Teeth that are properly aligned are less likely to experience premature wear and tear. This can help you avoid costly dental repairs down the road.

Challenges of Adult Orthodontic Treatment

While it may be true that our teeth are at their strongest in our youth, that doesn’t mean that adults can’t benefit from orthodontic treatment. Many adults find that orthodontics can improve their quality of life in several ways.

However, some challenges come with adult orthodontic treatment. For one thing, the bones and tissues in our mouths change as we age, making it more difficult to move teeth into the desired position. Adult patients often have pre-existing dental problems that need to be addressed before starting orthodontic treatment.

But don’t let these challenges deter you from getting the smile you’ve always wanted! There are several options available for adult patients, and our experienced team at Smith Orthodontics will work with you to create a treatment plan that meets your unique needs and goals.

Alternatives to Traditional Braces

If you’re an adult thinking about orthodontic treatment, you may wonder if traditional braces are your only option. The good news is that several alternatives to conventional braces can give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

Invisalign is one of the most popular alternatives to traditional braces. With Invisalign, clear aligners gradually straighten your teeth over time. This option is virtually invisible, making it an excellent choice for adults who don’t want to draw attention to their orthodontic treatment.

Another popular alternative to traditional braces is lingual braces. Lingual braces are similar to conventional braces, but they’re placed on the back side of your teeth instead of the front. This makes them virtually invisible from the outside, making them another great choice for adults who want to keep their orthodontic treatment discreet.

Depending on your individual needs, your orthodontist may also recommend several other less common alternatives to traditional braces. So don’t let age be an excuse – there’s sure to be an orthodontic treatment option right for you!


Orthodontic treatment is integral to oral health for both children and adults. Adults can benefit from straighter teeth, improved bite alignment, and corrected jaw problems just as much as children. Don’t let age be an excuse to put off seeking orthodontic care. Suppose you have been considering orthodontic treatment but are worried about the time commitment or cost involved, speak to your dentist or orthodontist today. In that case, they may have some options that will fit your budget and schedule.